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DMB029 Ames 1HOLFM25 7961 in sdg waiting for No. 2 09-25-86.jpg
1HOLFM25 7961 in the siding at Ames, Texas on September 25, 1986.  Photo by Dave Bernstein.

Southern Pacific Journey's Sponsors

Are Listed Below 


Their generosity and support is greatly appreciated!  

Alan Davis




Andrew Jeffers
Art and Barbara Henson
Barbara O'Neill
Bart Behrendt
Ben Barnes

Bill and Diane Fowler
Bill Calvert
Bill Dorst
Bill Ferris

Bill Loomis
Bill Reed

Bill Stevens
Bill Zigmant

Bob Grab

Bob Schaafsma and Sy Krebs
Buddy Park
Cary Lewis

Connie English
Chuck Travis

Dale Weir

Dave Krenn

Dianne Youngblood

Dick Rayley
Dick Sweet
Dino Ghilarducci
Dominic Bryngelson
Don Ray
Doug Monsen
Eamonn Grant
Edward Langer

Emil Ramirez
Frank Holland
Gary Blythe

Gary Greblo

Gary Jones








Gary Snowdon

Harry German

Henry Chidgey

Helen Price

Jack Fuller

Jack Gauthier

James Andre

James Koch

JC Moreaux
Jeff Root
Jim Andre
Jim Drake
Jim Fitzsimmons
Jim Gehring
Joe Baker

Joe Chidgey
Joe Dale Morris
Joe Pirozzi

Joe Rouse
John Byous

John Hoffmann

John Tierney

Julie Peters
Kathy Schoendorf
Ken Loden

Larry Phipps
Leon Roesler
Les Sack
Linda Nadolski

LLoyd Mercer

Lynn Turner

Manny Carreon
Marilyn Flesher

Marylyn Broussard

Marshall Allen

Mary Di Grande

Mary Horn
Michael Dickerson

Pat Coseglia

Patricia Jackson





Paul Gotthardt

Richard Bruce

Richard Garrison

Richard Pratt

Robert Farringer

Rollin Bredenberg

Ron Batory

Ronnie Retzloff
Roy Carlson
Sally Reynolds

Stan Sutfin

Ted Macauley
Tim Morgan

Tom Hyatt

Wally Shuttlesworth
William Thibodeaux




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